King Martin had a dream. His Vision of empowered African Americans resonated across the world where millions believed in his message of equality and brotherhood.
The struggle for the emancipation of black Americans was not easy. Many people died. But eight years ago, Americans elected their first African American president.
President Obama spoke of hope and change, Also had a vision of an America at peace with the rest of the world.
Presidential election campaigns change. As Barack Obama second term as president draws to an end, talk of dreams.
America’s would be presidents don’t dream. They spout ugly words and dark, morbid visions of an America overrun by immigrants, terrorists and Muslims.
Billionaire Trump is of course 'hate-monger in-chief' his anger and loathing for those outside his circle appears to know no bounds. He is not alone.
Europe the political landscape is just as grim. The one woman, German Chancellor who did harbour a dream of a Europe willing to receive and people fleeing war and persecution.
German leader’s male colleagues have a different agenda. They are clamping down hard on refugees, reinforcing border controls. And they are joining Donald Trump in disseminating a message of fear.
EU officials have warned governments not to take 'unilateral actions'. Austria and the Balkan states made clear that they will go their own way.
Austria last week announced a daily cap on the numbers of people allowed to apply for asylum or travel. As a result migrants have been stranded in Greece the main entry point into Europe.
Europe’s reaction to the refugee crisis is chaotic inhumane and shocking. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has warned, for instance.
Having secured a deal this week with his EU colleagues on renegotiating the terms of Britain’s EU membership. British Prime Minister hopes of winning the June 23 referendum for his 'stay in Europe' campaign were shattered. The quirky but very popular Mayor of London.
Russia’s President Putin has his cabal of admirers but does not inspire hope among anyone else.
Turkish President may have caught the world’s imagination a decade ago but is now discredited as just another authoritarian leader who has lost touch with reality.
Brings us nicely to Canada. Trudeau certainly stands tall as a man of principle. While his counterparts in other countries deafen us with their rabid rants. European and US politicians paint the world in black. Canadian leader is proof of the power of dreams.
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