Donald Trump speaks on the Congressional heaings of Hillary Staff members involved in the deletion of her emails on Sep. 13 in Clive, lowa
Donald Trump is setting America up for failure with his newly proposed budget plan. As Trump has previously shared his naive disbelief in climate change, it should come as no surprise that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the largest government agency to be cut.
Trump's negligence to believe in proven science is deplorable and unacceptable behavior from a leader. Statements from the White House argue the EPA's impending budget cut is due to it being a "waste of money," reflecting the popular Republican belief that global warming isn't an issue.
The 31 percent budget cut to the EPA will mean more than 3,000 people will lose their jobs. Therefore, this is not simply a loss for the environment but a loss for job production as well.
The area that will be most drastically impacted by the EPA's budget cuts will come to the environment, and the research and promotion of cleaner air, water and power initiatives.
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